Can You Tell the Difference Between 144HZ and 240HZ Monitor

Can You Tell The Difference Between 144HZ And 240HZ monitors? [Explained]

Yes, there are some differences between 144hz and 240hz monitors. Albeit of these differences are very small, but still you can identify them with your user experience.  What type of refresh rate you truly needed? And how can it affect your work? Just take a look at this article. I am going to break down…

How to Mount a Monitor Vertically

How to Mount a Monitor Vertically (A Complete Solution)

Tired of your big horizontal screen? If you want to mount your monitor vertically or make the screen appear vertical, this article is perfect for you as it answers how to mount a monitor vertically, when you should do it, the advantages and disadvantages, and many other traits that are useful for any user. Guide…

How to Make an FTB Server With Hamachi

How to Make an FTB Server With Hamachi (Installation and Configuration Guide)

Making an FTB server with Hamachi consists of quite a few steps. Noteworthy ones include downloading and installing Hamachi, creating a Minecraft server, and configuring Hamachi. Not to mention you still have to connect to the server. Also, running a modded server will require a couple of tweaks here and there. But before you even…

What Does a Data Product Manager Do

What Does a Data Product Manager Do?

You may already be familiar with what a product manager does. Typically, they serve as the point person for product development. A product manager uses data to map product strategies, design processes, launches, and ongoing maintenance.  While a data product manager’s function is closely related to these responsibilities, there are some key differences. Instead of…

How to Customize Logitech G602

How to Customize Logitech G602 Mouse (8 Step-By-Step Guide)

To customize your Logitech G602, download and install the Firmware Update and Logitech Gaming Software first. Open the software and play around with the settings to familiarize yourself with the mouse. You can change the DPI, set profiles, change the key binds, etc through this handy software. If you want to know exactly how to…

Is It Better to Have 4 Sticks of Ram or 2

Is It Better to Have 4 Sticks of RAM or 2 Sticks rAM? | Which is preferable?

The two or four sticks of RAM debate can be confusing, but it all comes down to usage patterns. And no matter what people say, there will always be a small performance gap between the two. For example, using 4 RAM sticks can improve performance by up to 5-7% compared to 2 RAM sticks. Additionally,…

Does the M.2 Screw Come with The Motherboard

Does the M.2 Screw Come with The Motherboard? [Answered]

The M.2 screws are needed to screw in the M.2 drives to your motherboard. It’s an essential part of building a PC because you cannot hold the specific drives (in this case, M.2 drives) firmly in place without specific screws. But do they come when buying the motherboard? Yes, M.2 screws come with your motherboard…

How to Find a Digital Booklet on iPhone

How to Find a Digital Booklet on iPhone (Simple Guidelines)

The digital booklet on iPhone can be accessed by using the iTunes app. It is done by accessing your Purchased media list on iTunes. Double-clicking the booklet will activate your default PDF (Portable Document Format file) reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader on a PC or Preview on a Mac, and open the file.  Furthermore,…

How Do I Connect My Chromebook To My Xbox One HDMI
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How Do I Connect My Chromebook To My Xbox One HDMI? | 13 Easy Steps to Play

You need to use the Xbox app to connect your Chromebook to your Xbox one through HDMI. Microsoft builds the Xbox for entertainment purposes. It is a video game console. Through Xbox, you can sell and buy a game.  Xbox one needs to be connected to the Xbox network to buy games and watch videos….

240HZ 1080P vs 144HZ 1440P

240HZ 1080P vs 144HZ 1440P Monitor Differences with considering facts

Most competitive and casual players will discover that 1440p 144Hz is more than enough for a seamless gaming experience. However, 240hz 1080p can be a choice if the user has his current focus on the eSports scene, and plays FPS or twitch-reaction games. Choosing between a 1440p 144hz and 1080p 240hz, the situation gets a…

Difference Between Mini and Normal GPU

Difference Between Mini and Normal GPU (Mini ITX vs Full-Sized graphics card)

One of the most important on a custom PC rig is a graphics card. GPUs come in all shapes and sizes. The same graphics from NVIDIA will be available from different vendors like  ZOTAC and GIGABYTE. These vendors offer a distinct cooling system that helps the card operate in the most comfortable condition to get…

How To Unlock Samsung TV Stand

How To Unlock Samsung TV Stand | Stand off Methods for 4 Types of Samsung TV

Most of the tv of Samsung company consists of the unattached stand. So, you can use a screwdriver to unlock your Samsung tv stand. If the stand on your tv is connected through a slot, you can just pull out the stand to unlock it. The pressure you put on the stand must be minimum,…

How to Migrate to Google Cloud

How to Migrate to Google Cloud with Minimal Risk and Disruption

Google Cloud is an incredibly versatile and powerful cloud computing solution. It may seem overwhelming to migrate to Google Cloud. But with careful planning and execution, you can make the move without any drama.  In this article, we are going to take a look at how to migrate your on-premises environment into Google Cloud. We’ll…

How To Post Pictures On Discord

How To Post Pictures On Discord? | 3 Methods to Upload Photos

Discord has become one of the well-established communication platforms due to its immense features. You can easily chat, call, arrange meetings, stream, etc., using discord. Sharing/Posting pictures with your friends is one of the common things on a social platform. You can do that in Discord too and the process is very simple. If you…