What Does It Mean When No Caller ID Calls? Know the Fact!
Suppose your phone rings and when you pick up the phone, you are seeing “No Caller ID” instead of the phone number. We know how frustrating and disturbing it is to receive calls from private numbers.
No Caller ID is a feature for Apple users. It allows user to hide their number from the settings. But it is truly uncomfortable when you are on the receiving end.
As you don’t know whom you are going to face, and the caller isn’t even on your contact list, you may don’t want to receive the call. You may also get curious about who is behind the call and how to unmask them.
Don’t worry! to make it simple, we are going to tell you what no-caller ID means, how to unmask them, or how you can avoid these types of calls on your phone in this article. So, let’s read by the end of this article.

What Is No Caller ID?
If you see “No Caller ID” on the display of your iPhone when someone calls you, it means the caller has intentionally hidden his contact details from you, or he/she doesn’t want to be traced back or recognized by you.
If you are an iPhone user, then you can also hide your calling identity from the settings and while you’re using this feature, the receivers will see “No Caller ID” on their display while you call them.
What Does It Mean When No Caller ID Calls?
Now, you may get curious about why someone has intentionally hidden his identity while calling you or what does even it means.
Well, no one can tell the exact reason for hiding identity as there can be several causes.
In the common case, telemarketers call their customers by hiding their contact so that the customers can’t disturb them by calling back.
However, there could be many other scenarios behind a “No Caller ID”, such as –
- Spammers.
- Hackers.
- Obsessive ex-partner like an ex-boyfriend, ex-wife, etc.
- Any individual who doesn’t want to reveal his identity to you.
How to Unmask or Reveal the Caller from No Caller ID?
As there is no contact information including a contact number or user details, you can’t call back an unknown caller who is concealing his identity using the “No Caller ID” feature. But you still can trace an unknown caller using a few tricks. Let’s discover them.
- You can use MCIS (Malicious Caller Identification Service) to unmask or reveal no caller ID. After receiving a no-caller id, dial *57and MCIS will start tracking the number. Once they find out, they will let you know.
- You can use 3rd party software like True Caller or TrapCall (only for Android users). These apps provide caller names and detailed information.
- Last way is to contract with your Cellular service provider or local police and seek help from them.
How Can I Prevent No Caller ID Calls?
Follow the instructions below on your phone to stop receiving No Caller ID calls –
- Go to “Settings” and navigate to “Phone”.
- Then, scroll down to the “Silence Unknown Callers” option and toggle the slider to the right to enable it.
- Once the slider turned green, it means the option is activated and you’ll get no calls with no caller ID.
Bonus Tip: How to Prevent No Caller ID Calls?
Follow the instructions below on your phone to stop receiving No Caller ID calls –
- Go to “Settings” and navigate to “Phone”.
- Then, scroll down to the “Silence Unknown Callers” option and toggle the slider to the right to enable it.
- Once the slider turned green, it means the option is activated and you’ll get no calls with no caller ID.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I Answer Calls with No Caller ID?
It completely depends on the situation and the answer isn’t straightforward. Some calls with no caller id could be from pranksters. So, in this case, you can receive calls.
If you are getting frequent calls from a no-caller ID, then you need to take it seriously and avoid receiving the call. You can block the call in this case. But don’t follow the instruction of the caller after receiving calls with no caller ID.
How Do I Call Back No Caller ID?
Generally, there is no option to call back the caller with no caller ID. But if you are in North America, then you can use the VSC (Vertical Service Code). You need to dial 869 on your landline and #69 on your mobile phone to call back the last received number. But you need to dial it within 30 minutes of receiving the call; otherwise, it won’t work.
Does No Caller ID Mean It’s Someone in My Contacts?
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the caller with no caller ID is in your contact list. It can’t be identified by a No Caller Id whether it is from your contact list or an unknown caller. Because the callers intentionally use the no caller id feature by Apple to hide their identity. So, if they are from your contact list, they will still reach you with no caller id.
We hope all your anxiety about No Caller Id has been reduced after reading this article as now you know what it means and what you can do to identify the caller. Normally telemarketers and pranksters use No caller ID. So, there is nothing much to worry about. But if you are getting frequent calls from no caller ID, then you should take the necessary steps as described above. To get more information about this topic, please ask in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.
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