How Technology May Help Kids of Divorce to Stay in Touch with the Parents
Most parents worry about the fact that their child devotes too much time to gadgets and the Internet space. Many worries that they are losing touch with their child in real life, and there is some truth to this. But what about the situation when you divorce your spouse? Perhaps a pastime on the Internet and gadgets can turn in the right direction.
When it comes to divorce, it is obvious that one of the parents will receive custody of the child. In most cases, it happens that the child will have a lack of communication with the parent who does not have custody. This is especially true when the state is between the parent and the child, or maybe even the country. Why not use technology so that your child does not feel a lack of communication? Let’s dwell on this issue.
How Technologies Keep The Child in Touch with Parents
Where to Begin?
Many couples want to get a fast divorce in order not to harm children. But as the practice shows, this process will not last several days. What to do if you have already decided all questions with the former spouse regarding the divorce but want everything to happen sooner?
You can ask for help from specialists who will do all the paperwork for you. That is why many couples decide to use an online divorce service in order to devote time to children’s support. And not to documents needed to file for divorce in Alabama. So you will have more time to prepare the child for changes in life and to solve many other questions regarding the joint children.

Thanks to the Internet and online communication platforms, you can erase thousands of kilometers of distance. Therefore, this is the best option so that the child can communicate with his parent as often as he wishes. Of course, this is not so much pleasant as live communication. But in any case, it is better than a complete absence of such a possibility. Psychologists note that children who use gadgets for communication are much easier to tolerate the divorce of their parents.
- If your child has not yet reached the age when he can independently use gadgets and the Internet freely, then you need to agree with your spouse. Make sure you can talk online with your child. It may be prudent to schedule or the spouse will allow you to make calls at any time. But in any case, discuss this issue with your ex in advance.
- If your child has his own smartphone and uses the Internet, then everything is much simpler. Indeed, in this case, he or she will be able to communicate freely. But take an interest in which of the applications your child likes best and set up it.
You Will Know What Happens to the Child
If you are far from your child, then you need to create accounts on the social networks that your child uses. So you will be aware of what is happening in the life of the child. Moreover, psychologists believe that the child’s communication with parents on social networks creates strong relationships and it is close to real communication. So the child will feel your constant presence, and the likes or comments under the photo will be obvious signs of attention. But do not go too far, as, for some teenagers, your constant monitoring can be annoying. Share interesting pictures or videos, send gifs or jokes.
You Will Know Your Child From the Other Side
Be prepared for the fact that you have to create accounts on sites that you have not previously used. Children and youth prefer to spend time on Twitter and Instagram. While parents like Facebook more. But if you want to keep in touch and have a good relationship with your child, then you have to deal with social networks that are unusual for you.
In social networks, you can discover the interests of the child about which you previously had not even guessed. Therefore, you should monitor what your child likes, what kind of music, films, and books he or she chooses. This way you can create common topics for communication. This will have a good effect on your child because then he will understand that you have a lot in common and you will communicate more often. Thus, the child will not feel shortages in you and it will be easier to survive a divorce.
Do Not Limit Your Ex-Spouse in Communication with Your JOINT Kids
Many parents make such a mistake, which subsequently leads to bad results. Many children who go through a divorce remember well through the years that the mother did not allow the father to meet since he arrived on a wrong day. Many also note that this exacerbated the relationship with the guardian parent.
Therefore, do not limit your child in free communication with the spouse. If you somehow want to still control this communication, then agree on it with your ex. For example, this communication should not take place at night and distract from studying. But it is not worth to stop communication because you personally do not like it! The child is not to blame for the fact that you have decided to divorce and he has the right to have both parents.
Let’s Summarize
Gadgets and technology can enable your child to better handle your divorce. But for this, you should not forget about moral support. Technologies alone will not be enough.
Therefore, discuss the importance of keeping in touch with your spouse and suggest using online communication to make it easier for your child to experience separation from the parent. Of course, the children need to live communication, but when your ex is far away, technology is a real salvation.
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