How Do I Mask My Phone Number?
Confidentiality can be called luxurious nowadays. Websites and applications collect your data every day. Staying anonymous in today’s world is not an easy thing anymore.
Everyone needs some privacy. A phone directory is usually the first thing that is asked for wherever you apply to. How to preserve your real phone directory anonymous? You need to know that it is possible to mask your number for individual calls and for all calls. However, there is even a better way not to share your real numb: free SMS receive services. Keep reading to find out the most comfortable options.

Reasons for Numb Masking
First of all, let’s discuss the reasons why someone would want to hide his directory.
- By providing your real phone directory you leave yourself without the right to anonymity.
- All the possible data about you will be connected while you are surfing the Web.
- Your profile will be created (for marketing purposes or for law enforcement).
- You may face issues while accessing information (it can be partly blocked).
- Attaching your real phone numb to your account does not guarantee your security as your mobile operator can reissue your SIM and frauds can get your password.
- People are usually too lazy to read Terms of Service. It can be stated there how your numb will be used. This is where your data leaks.
Hiding your real directory is a useful practice in the modern world.
Ways to Mask Your Numb
Here are several ways to mask your real numb.
1. *67
Each time you dial *67 before calling the people you call “Private” or “Blocked” on their screen.
2. Block by default
Android: Phone app -> Menu -> Settings -> Call Settings -> Additional -> Caller ID -> Hide Numb.
iPhone: Settings -> Phone -> My Caller ID -> toggle switch to show or hide your directory.
3. Online SIMs
You can use a virtual numb provider in order to preserve your real directory anonymous. Everybody will see a real numb from a specific country calling.
It is not too hard to mask your real directory. However, most people who see the words “Private” or “Blocked” prefer not to pick up at all. This means that your calls / SMS will not be answered or perceived seriously.
If you use a virtual directory accommodation, your call will be seen as a call from a real numb with the country code you choose. An unknown number has more credibility than a “Private” or “Blocked” one.
OnineSIM is a virtual numb company offering high-level anonymity services. With more than 10,000 directories you can choose any from more than 30 countries available. They are simple in usage as you don’t need a phone, but a connection to the Internet.
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