Can You Get More Than 60 FPS on A 60hz Monitor? [Explained]
When it comes to FPS, everyone always looks for opportunities that will help them to get higher FPS while gaming. But it doesn’t depend on people’s demand, or how strong the build is to get higher FPS. Basically, the FPS depends on the monitor and GPU.
You may have a monitor of 60hz and you are willing to play games with more than 60 FPS. Now you are wondering will you get more than 60 FPS in your 60hz display? In short, the answer is No. If you somehow make it done, you’ll face issues while gaming.
To find out the answer to whether you are able to get more than 60 FPS in your 60hz monitor, go through this article and dig out your answer.

Is It Possible to Get More Than 60 FPS on a 60hz Monitor?
When you are buying a 60hz monitor then you will get FPS up to 60hz. You won’t get more than 60 FPS because the monitor is only capable to display 60 frames per second. Now you may be wondering what will happen when you will play a game that can get more than 60 FPS, for instance, let’s assume the game is capable to get 120 FPS.
Now, can you get 120 FPS? The answer is No. Your monitor will provide you with 60 FPS. And when the FPS cap of your monitor is crossed, you will face the following issue in your system.
- You will face screen tearing issues.
- You will experience stuttering.
- Your GPU will produce more heat when it won’t be able to display the higher FPS.
Bonus Tip: Overclock your monitor to get more fPS
Generally, a monitor doesn’t show more than its refresh rate but there are always exceptions. You can overclock your monitor and you can achieve at least 75Hz. You may feel uncomfortable because the overclocking doesn’t provide stable performance but that’s true for CPU and GPU. In monitor, it’s very stable.
Things Need to Do and Not to Do for Avoiding Getting More than 60 FPS in 60Hz Monitor
Everyone wants to get the best output from their devices but sometimes it becomes a burden. Someone may allow stuttering and screen tearing for a while but the tearing and stuttering can increase with time. So, you can control your monitor to avoid getting more than 60 FPS in your 60Hz monitor.
Also, it can be used for other monitors too.
There you will find sync technology and they help you to get perfect FPS while gaming. FreeSync, G-Sync, and V-Sync are the synchronizing option you will get. Now, when you are using this technology, avoid the VSync, because when you are playing games on your 60Hz monitor you cross 60 FPS then all of a sudden, the V-sync will half your FPS and you will face issues.
Instead of VSync, you can use FressSync and GSync. These two technologies help the monitor to stable and maintain the FPS smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I get 100 fps on a 60Hz monitor?
No, you can’t get 100 FPS on a 60Hz monitor. Overclocking also won’t help you to achieve this much.
Can I increase the monitor’s HZ by overclocking?
Yes, you can. You can use the monitor overclocking software to enhance the HZ (Hertz) of your monitor. For instance, you can overclock a 60hz monitor to 75hz easily but the stability and smoothness will depend on your monitor’s panel.
Can 60Hz run 90 fps?
No, your system will run 90 FPS but, on the monitor, you will get 60 FPS.
However, you can’t get more than 60 FPS in a 60Hz monitor unless you overclock the monitor. If you are not comfortable doing so because you may face issues if your monitor’s panel is not strong enough then you can use G-sync or FreeSync to avoid issues while playing games with higher FPS.
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