What Is C Drive and D Drive on Your Computer and their Functionalities

What Is C Drive and D Drive on Your Computer and their Functionalities

If you ever wondered why there are different storage drives in your computer, especially the C and D drive, you are not alone. And it is a fair question since you only see the warning message of the disk getting full for the C drive. So, in this article, we’ll explain what C and D…

What Is Daughter Board

What Is Daughter Board and What’s the Functionalities of It

Did you know that there is a board named daughter board in your computer? As like motherboard, daughter board performs some important tasks. These kinds of boards were generally used in desktop computers. But now, most of the desktop computer’s do not come with a daughter board. However, many laptops still contain these kinds of…

What is an Integrated Graphics Card? Its Pros & Cons

What is an Integrated Graphics Card? Its Pros & Cons

Just like the name suggests, Integrated Graphics card or Integrated Graphics Processing Units are integrated within your motherboard or Central Processing Unit. It has a lot less image rendering capability than that of the Dedicated Graphics Processing Units otherwise known as the Discrete Graphics Processing Units. In this article, we’ll discuss what is an integrated…

A Damaged Motherboard

8 Mistakes That Damage Motherboard | Still Careless!

The motherboard is most probably the heart of your PC. It is the most important component in your PC. Almost all other computer hardware components are connected with each other through the motherboard. So, if it gets damaged, your PC won’t be able to perform any task. A damage motherboard will also cost you much….

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How to Enjoy Virtual Reality Without Headset | Obviously It’s Not Harmful to Your Health

Virtual Reality is a computer-generated extraordinary artificial environment that enables you to expertise a different reality. In another word, “Fooling your senses into seeing something that’s not there, Making any unreal object real.” Most VR headsets are costly and besides that, wearing a full occlusion is so annoying. Now, if you are willing to enjoy…


What is Liquid Cooling System | Liquid Cooling System vs Traditional Cooling System

Every computer, from the smallest home theater PCs or laptops to the gigantic gaming rigs, generates heat during operation and if this heat is not allowed to move away to outside at the environment, it may damage your computer permanently. In the rescue, here come the cooling systems. You may wonder in your mind, “Man,…

IDE to SATA Conversion

IDE to SATA Conversion | How to Connect and Everything You Need to Know.

If you had an old HDD lying around somewhere that you want to use with your computer, you might need to learn how to connect IDE hard drives to SATA systems. and even though SATA hard drives are much faster than older IDE disks, IDE to SATA conversion can come in quite handy in many…

sd card vs flash drive

SD CARD vs FLASH DRIVE | All You Need to know

When it comes to expandable storage, two of the most prominent options are SD cards and flash drives. And although they have different applications, learning about them both may help you narrow down your decision. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between SD cards and flash drives and in the end, tell you which…

amd vs intel

AMD vs Intel Processors | Which one is Better | Take the Right Decision Before Buying

Processor, the heart of your computer. You will always try to get the best processor from the market. Though there are many processors of different manufacturers AMD vs intel’s processors are more popular than all others. But what about AMD vs Intel processors? Which one is more efficient and which company’s processor you should buy?…