why is my mouse so slow all of a sudden

[4 Fixes] why is my mouse so slow all of a sudden

After upgrading to Windows 10, whether you’ve noticed that your mouse frequently experiences latency or hangs, you’re not alone in having this problem. This issue has been brought to the attention of a significant number of Windows users. However, you shouldn’t be too concerned because you can’t keep putting up with that for too long….

How Much RAM to Stream

How Much RAM to Stream? | Explained RAM Requirements for Various Purposes

You might already know that how much RAM you need for gaming depends entirely on the requirements of each game. Likewise, measuring how much RAM is needed for streaming also depends on the program you’re using to stream. There are different types of programs and things to stream and you’ll need to calculate for each…

How To Fix Right Bumper on Xbox One Controller

How To Fix the Right Bumper on Xbox One Controller (3 Methods to Solve)

The main problem users faced is the switches of a controller stopped working. This problem basically shows up when you are using a controller for a long time or you have dropped it. Accumulation of dust in the controller also causes this problem. Most of the time, either the right or left bumper stopped working….

One Of My Vive Controllers Won't Connect

[3 Fixes] One Of My Vive Controllers Won’t Connect

Having an issue with the Vive controllers has become a very common thing among users. Sometimes both of the controllers stopped working and sometimes one of them stopped working. Basically, most of the users found themselves with the second case which is one of their Vive controllers stopped working or won’t connect. Are you one…

PCIe Cable Where Does It Go

PCIe Cable Where Does It Go Generally [Explained]

PCIe cables are generally used to power installed graphics cards and other big, power-hungry expansion cards. PCIe wires link the Power Supply Unit directly to the installed PCIe Expansion Card: Graphics Card. PCIe cables, in a nutshell, are used to power high-performance graphics cards. The electricity for these cables is drawn straight from the Power…

How Long Is the HDMI Cable That Comes With the PS4

[Answered] How Long Is the HDMI Cable That Comes With the PS4 Controler?

PS4 includes an HDMI 2.0 cable. The most common HDMI cable length options available include 3 feet, 6 feet, 10 feet, and 25 feet. And if you need longer lengths than these, you will need to combine them with HDMI extension methods. HDMI 2.0 is a hardware standard designed to meet the increased bandwidth demands…

How Accurate Is Find My Device
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How Accurate Is Find My Device Location (5 Methods Explained)

One of the many features that enable users to locate missing phones is Find My Device. Although the accuracy of the Find My Device feature is not great, it can be roughly accurate up to 20 meters. Since the accuracy of the Find My Device feature on Android and iPhones might vary based on factors…

Windows 10 Task Manager Not Showing GPU

[Fix] Windows 10 Task Manager Not Showing GPU (100% Working)

The Windows 10 task manager is a powerful tool for monitoring system performance and resources. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the GPU to be missing from the task manager. This can be a frustrating issue, as the GPU is a critical component of any modern computer.  In this article, we will discuss the possible…

How To Clean A Motherboard With Alcohol

How To Clean A Motherboard With Alcohol (Easy and Simple Steps)

The use of alcohol to clean a motherboard is a simple and effective way to keep your system running smoothly. Alcohol has the advantage of being non-conductive, meaning that it won’t damage any delicate components on the board. It is also a powerful solvent and can easily cut through grease and grime.  To get started,…

Can A DDR3 Motherboard Support DDR4

Can A DDR3 Motherboard Support DDR4 RAM? Guide to Know the Real Fact!

DDR3 motherboards are widely used in modern computers, providing good performance and compatibility with a wide range of components. However, many people wonder if a DDR3 motherboard can support DDR4 memory. The answer is yes, but it may require a BIOS update to do so. Additionally, some DDR3 motherboards may not be able to support…

Can You Tell the Difference Between 144HZ and 240HZ Monitor

Can You Tell The Difference Between 144HZ And 240HZ monitors? [Explained]

Yes, there are some differences between 144hz and 240hz monitors. Albeit of these differences are very small, but still you can identify them with your user experience.  What type of refresh rate you truly needed? And how can it affect your work? Just take a look at this article. I am going to break down…

How to Mount a Monitor Vertically

How to Mount a Monitor Vertically (A Complete Solution)

Tired of your big horizontal screen? If you want to mount your monitor vertically or make the screen appear vertical, this article is perfect for you as it answers how to mount a monitor vertically, when you should do it, the advantages and disadvantages, and many other traits that are useful for any user. Guide…

How to Customize Logitech G602

How to Customize Logitech G602 Mouse (8 Step-By-Step Guide)

To customize your Logitech G602, download and install the Firmware Update and Logitech Gaming Software first. Open the software and play around with the settings to familiarize yourself with the mouse. You can change the DPI, set profiles, change the key binds, etc through this handy software. If you want to know exactly how to…